Hello Covalent Community!
This category exists so you tell us what problems you are facing when using our APIs or what features/ endpoints would you want us to buidl. We will also use this forum to update you on what we are working on and what’s shipped. So if you create a topic or if there’s a topic that interests you, turn on the notifications for it.
Category guidelines:
You can use this category to create new topics to report bugs or raise feature requests that you have about our APIs. Please keep the scope of the category to a single product - which is API in this case.
To create a topic follow the following steps of parent category Development:
- Search before creating a topic using keywords. Although discourse will do a fuzzy search for you when you create a topic, it is good practice to do it anyway.
- If you find one that is already related to your topic, go and like it by clicking on “” and comment +1, so it signals us as a priority that community wants.
- If don’t find a related topic and you are creating a new one, please follow the template to help the community and us.
- We will update the topics with tags: (Selected as Backlog, In Progress, Shipped) to keep you updated.
Let’s BUIDL the new economy of data together!