Get Pancakeswap v2 pools

is there a problem with Get Pancakeswap v2 pools ? I keep getting empty results when using tokens for which pools definitely exist. i.e.:

I can swap in addresses for something like WBNB or BTCB etc and it will bring back a slew of results, however many tokens such as the one specified return no pools at all.

Edit: after further review, it looks like this is returning results dated as follows:
updated_at": ā€œ2021-10-24T01:09:01.855Zā€

Has this feature been abandoned? It is returning results for October 24 2021 no matter what contract address is specified, and since the ones I tried were newer coins there was no data from that time period.


Please use XYK endpoint to get pool details. Use pancake swapV2 for the dexname.

We will stop maintaining pancakeswapv2 soon